Articles by Laura Barrera


5 Keys to Success for Roller-Crimping Covers

From getting a thick stand of cover crops to terminating them at the right time, roller-crimping experts explain the key components for weed control in organic no-till.
From getting a thick stand of cover crops to terminating them at the right time, roller-crimping experts explain the key components for weed control in organic no-till.
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Reducing Fertilizer, Boosting Yields with Sap Analysis

Crop consultant John Kempf explains why plant sap analysis can provide the best agronomic information no-tillers will ever collect and how to make use of the results on your farm.

What if you could decrease your nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) applications — anywhere from 30-70% — while increasing yields and crop health? That’s what John Kempf found from managing nutrition properly on many of the farms he works with, thanks to plant sap analysis.

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Prioritizing Soil Health to Protect Profitability for Generations to Come

The Crave family sees soil health as a key to reducing inputs, lowering machinery costs and creating more value-added products for long-term success and sustainability.

Since the founding of the multigenerational dairy farm in Waterloo, Wis., in 1980, they’ve adopted sustainable farming practices, added a cheese factory to increase the value of their milk, and operate a manure digester that generates enough electricity to power their operation and 300 neighboring homes, making them a carbon-negative company.

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Reminiscing on No-Till’s Revolution

Four no-till pioneers share how they’ve seen the practice change over the last few decades and what factors will play a role in its future.

It’s been 50 years since No-Till Farmer launched, and a lot has influenced the practice in those five decades. From equipment and chemical innovations to government influence to cover crops and the soil health movement, many factors have impacted no-till — both good and bad. 

The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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How No-Tillers Can Combat the Evolution of Herbicide Resistance

Growing metabolism-based resistance is the greatest problem no-tillers will face with weed control, but effective use of herbicides, using multiple modes of action, and controlling the weed seed bank at harvest can all help.
Growing metabolism-based resistance is the greatest problem no-tillers will face with weed control, but effective use of herbicides, using multiple modes of action, and controlling the weed seed bank at harvest can all help.
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2nd Annual Cover Crop Benchmark Study

No-Tillers Continuing Their Cover Crop Investment

Cover Crop Strategies’ exclusive benchmark study finds more growers dedicated to covers, reducing conventional tillage.
In the 2nd Annual Cover Crop Benchmark Study published by Cover Crop Strategies, editors found that growers have remained relatively consistent in the management practices, motivations, challenges and expenses of their cover crop programs. 

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5 On-Farm Studies Help No-Tiller Measure Profitability and Calculate ROI

No-till veteran Marion Calmer explains how on-farm research has helped him determine the best row spacings, seeding populations, fertility and residue management programs for maximum profitability.

When Marion Calmer bought his first farm back in the 1980s, a quote attributed to British mathematician Lord Kelvin was top of mind: “We can’t improve on things we don’t measure or research.”

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7 Strategies for Reducing Slug and Vole Problems

No-tillers can battle these two pests with scouting, sound planting practices, strategic cover crop management, the right field equipment and some help from predators.

While there are many benefits to long-term no-till and cover cropping, unfortunately, it is also a very stable environment for slugs and voles. 

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