Cover Crops

What I’ve Learned from No-Tilling

‘Startup’ No-Tiller Applies Tried & True Farming Know-How to New Operation

A young grower started his own operation strong by leasing long-term no-till acres & gleaning critical knowledge from past employers.
My time spent as a farmhand provided many learning and advancement opportunities — including starting my own farm in Connersville, Ind., which stitched together the one-generation gap in my family’s farming heritage.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Efficiency, Diversification & Bold Cropping Strategies Put New No-Tillers Ahead

Jacob & Cassandra Kubik of Walker, Iowa, build on early no-till efficiencies & profits with relay cropping, innovative cover cropping practices & sheep.
Starting a farm from scratch using no-till, EQIP and CSP programs proved the best and easiest path to production for my wife, Cassandra, and me.
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Use Cover Crops to Complement Herbicide Program & Combat Resistant Weeds

Studies show grass cover crops reduce weed biomass by 68%, with covers reducing 65% of winter annual weeds & 46% of summer annual weeds.
Herbicide resistance continues to be a growing concern among no-tillers. Not only are more weeds developing resistance, but some herbicide-resistant weeds, such as Palmer amaranth and waterhemp, are also very difficult to control if not caught early.
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