Cover Crops

No-Till Roundtable

If I seed a hairy vetch cover crop this fall and end up with a nice thick stand, what percentage of nitrogen (N) can it provide next year for an average 200-bushel per acre corn crop?

A: According to the literature, corn has been found to recover 17-32% of hairy vetch residue N. The literature also states that you need more than 1,000 pounds per acre of above ground biomass for the potential of a sufficient N credit. The no-tiller would have to be patient in the spring to capture this amount.

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No-Till Passport

Kenya GMO Decision has No-Till Upside

A decade ago, Kenya made the mistake of banning GMOs due to political pressures from European-funded activist groups and widespread anxiety based on scientific ignorance. It’s time for Kenya to catch up — and now we will. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
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What I’ve Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Success, Improved Soil Health Means ‘No More’ Chemical Fallow

This northern Montana couple grazes beef and improves soil life with farm-produced microorganisms that they grow, extract and apply to eight different no-tilled crops.

Our soils used to be dead. Now we have mushrooms growing down the rows with our crops. It’s a whimsical nod to the soil health we’ve worked so adamantly to build since we took over farming from Korey’s dad, Randy, in 2012. 

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No Stone Unturned in Quest for Healthy Soils

Northwest Ohio no-tiller solves soil health puzzle with plant diversity, cover crops and heavy focus on water quality.

One of the first things you’ll notice when pulling up to Les Seiler’s house is the personalized license plate on his car, with the letters “NO TIL.” Before you even shake the jovial farmer’s hand, it’s clear how enthusiastic he is about conservation ag, specifically soil health.

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Cover Crop Nutrients Keep Money in No-Tiller Pockets

Rick Clark knows how much you can save using cover crops, and he’s got numbers.

Rick Clark wants growers to spend less on synthetic inputs.
He also wants to eliminate herbicides, open up the window for planting, and more. That all starts with eliminating tillage, Clark says.

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No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators

[Podcast] Ag Consultant Joe Nester Talks About Retaining P

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture, Ag consultant Joe Nester says phosphorus (P) is leaving soil. In this presentation from the National No-Tillage Conference, Nester covers how to measure and recover P, as well as the issues that arise when too much P shows up in the wrong place.
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by SOURCE®️ by Sound Agriculture, Ag consultant Joe Nester says phosphorus (P) is leaving soil. In this presentation from the National No-Tillage Conference, Nester covers how to measure and recover P, as well as the issues that arise when too much P shows up in the wrong place.
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Beat Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds by Planting Green

In the fight against increasing herbicide resistance, the practice of planting green into a living cover crop offers weed suppression and potential money savings.

For independent research agronomist Jim Stute, the appearance of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed, waterhemp and marestail on his East Troy, Wis., farm was alarming. But it was also an opportunity — an opportunity to test the ability of cover crops to suppress marestail and other troublesome weeds and reduce reliance on glyphosate.

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Applying Manure with a Dragline Helps No-Tillers with Cover Crop Termination

Growers from Perrysville, Ohio, utilize manure from their 650-cow dairy to maintain high-yielding double crops, and feed for their herd.
The practice of using a dragline on emerging corn began in 2019, due to the extremely wet weather rearranging the Ayers’ cover crop termination schedule. The termination date varies each year, thanks to several factors, including the custom spraying schedule, the weather and what herbicide program the Ayers are using. They typically use glyphosate and 2,4-D to terminate the cereal rye.
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