Items Tagged with 'starters'



Foul Fall Likely Means More Spring-Applied Fertilizer

A late harvest, poor weather and high prices mean more no-tillers will be looking to apply more fertilizer this spring than usual.
Fertilizer was a painful input for most no-tillers in 2008. Growing world demand (up 14% — a growth equal to the entire U.S. market, according to The Fertilizer Institute), high production costs, increased transportation expense and a faltering U.S. dollar all contributed to record-high prices for major nutrients.
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No-Till Corn Champ Offers His Tips For Success

Continually feeding the corn plant and micronutrients are among the things that work for Virginia no-tiller David Hula.
While it might seem hard to believe, the no-tiller who grew the highest yields in the nation last year calls corn just a rotational crop. That’s because David Hula has a thriving soybean and small grains seed production business.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Why No-Till Boosts Your Return On Investment

In field trials, this crop consultant found no-till earned $40 to $50 more profit per acre.
Our first serious no-till experiences in northwestern Ohio pretty much paralleled the introduction of the John Deere 750 no-till drill in the late 1980s. After seeing it run for the first time, my immediate thought was that this no-till drill had a chance to make a major impact on our agriculture.
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No-Till Online

Turn Up The Heat: Talk Machinery

Growers’ requests for recommendations on farm machinery open lid on opinions and loyalties.
The dead of winter is a good time to ponder, repair, modify or replace equipment that will be essential when spring arrives. So we’re offering a few thoughts on the subject from visitors to
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