Climate FieldView customers are gaining access to new features, including the ability to evaluate the performance of crop protection products and fertility applications more efficiently and transparently.
With innovative technology changing the game, it’s never been easier to learn how to make the most of your fields. On-farm field trials are the key to harnessing the full potential of your fields to prepare for current and future growing seasons.
Reports are trickling in about green stem syndrome (GSS) in Iowa soybean, which is like rubbing salt in the 2013 soybean crop wound. Before we get into details of the disorder, we wanted to let you know that the IPM program is doing an analysis to determine the most common causes of GSS.
A 24-hour rapid test could help farmers unlock the secret to fertility potential in their soils and make more informed decisions about fertilizer applications.
A new method of soil testing that measures the drying and rehydration cycles in farm ground could help no-tillers use fertilizer more efficiently and even choose the best cover crops to seed ahead of the next crop.
As Independence Day approaches, it might be worth the time to think about what your answers will be if someone comes knocking to discuss what you’re doing on your no-till farm.
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture said Tuesday that existing rules for the weed-killer atrazine are adequate to protect the environment and public health.
No-Till Farmer readers can be part of a unique research project that will lead to a FREE soil analysis and offer new insights into developing more valuable soil properties with no-till.
When three Ohio State University educators spoke about soil properties and structure at last winter’s National No-Tillage Conference, they asked attendees to help them take a closer look at the many changes occurring with less tillage.
Does precision farming, with page after page of information generated by automated devices, really make your no-till fields more productive? Or are you about ready to unplug it all in frustration?
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
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