Articles Tagged with ''sulfur''

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No-Till And Strip-Till: The Best Of Both Worlds

Precision technology, cover crops and innovative equipment are helping Indiana no-tiller and strip-tiller Mike Shuter and sons get the most out of two different conservation-tillage systems.
The 1980s were difficult times for farmers, and it was no different for Mike Shuter and his family. Hoping to make due with less, they looked to no-till to reduce fuel, labor and expenses, with the hope of maintaining yields.
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Soybean Response To Starter Fertilizer Containing Sulfur

Dec. 30, 2013 There is widespread concern about potential sulfur (S) deficiencies in corn and soybeans in the North Central region. Sulfur is relatively immobile within the plant, so symptoms usually appear in the new growth. Atmospheric deposition used to supply a considerable amount of plant available S (about 8 to 15 pounds per acre annually), but with the implementation of the Clean Air Act, this amount has significantly decreased.
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