Articles Tagged with ''earthworms''

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Soil Health in Field and Forage Crop Production

A publication to help farmers understand and improve their soil health through no-till systems.
Productive agriculture depends on healthy soil. Soil guarantees that nutrients are made available in sufficient amounts during a plant’s life cycle and it holds water that is then available to plants. It also provides many critical ecosystem functions that are necessary for life. In this free publication from Penn State University, you’ll learn how you can protect this valuable resource through no-till.
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No-Tillers Push Beyond Barriers at National No-Tillage Conference

Reasons to spread out fertility, how to resolve compaction with cover crops and ways to fight herbicide resistance were among the many lessons no-tillers took away from the 24th conference.
MORE THAN 1,000 no-tillers from seven countries gathered in the Crossroads of America this January to learn from some of the most experienced no-tillers and respected experts at the 2016 National No-Tillage Conference.
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Frankly Speaking

Puddles Could Be Regulated

Despite strong opposition from farm organizations to the original version of the federal government’s Clean Water Rule, the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers went ahead and released updated rules on May 27. While the 1972 Clean Water Act dealt mostly with larger rivers, lakes and bays, a major worry with the new rules is that farmers may now need government permits to deal with fairly simple matters such as on-farm ditches, ponds and even puddles.

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Focus on Conservation Fuels Low-Cost Production, Long-Term No-Till Future

Contour farming, no-till, cover crops and a sustainable farming cycle are allowing Wisconsin No-TIller Jack Herricks and his family to remain profitable and viable for future generations to come.
When Jack Herricks was 12 years old, his neighbor told him something about the importance of conservation that would stick with him through his whole life.
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