Items Tagged with 'Touchdown'



List Of Options Growing For Controlling No-Till Soybean Pests

Herbicide and insecticide manufacturers offer advice and a few new products to no-tillers for the coming growing season
Defense planning is under way across the country. No-tillers are taking aim at the weeds, insects and diseases that could threaten their soybean crops in 2004. And as the threats to soybeans change - aphids have become a bigger problem in the past couple of years, and fast-acting rust disease seems ready to move into the U.S. from South America - the country's pesticide manufacturers are offering some new alternatives on top of proven performers to guard the fields.
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More Choices Available in 2004 For Protecting No-Till Corn

New products are mostly refinements of old standbys and recent successful introductions. Manufacturers are emphasizing convenience and market competition.
No-Tillers planning for the 2004 growing season can look forward to a handful of new alternatives for protecting their corn from weeds and insects. Herbicide and insecticide manufacturers and seed producers introduced their new products to attendees at the National No-Tillage Conference held in Des Moines, Iowa, in January.
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No-Till Online

An Alternative To Roundup Ready?

No-tillers continue the debate at
While the price of some generic herbicides seems intriguing, no-tillers had to find out from their peers if the idea has merit or not. No-tillers also weighed in on different types of air seeders and their effectiveness for this month’s issue.
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New Ideas For Tackling No-Till Corn Weeds

With fewer new corn herbicides being introduced this year, check out these fresh ideas for attacking weeds from the mid-winter National No-Tillage Conference.
Some new herbicides received late Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration while other products were only test marketed in a few Midwestern states last year by manufacturers. As a result, there’s not a large number of new herbicides for controlling weeds in no-tilled corn this year.
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Shop Talk

More Details Regarding The Double Nozzle Sprayer

A short term in the April, 2001, issue of No-Till Farmer on the double nozzle sprayer brought additional information in the form of a letter from Robin Taylor of Ohio State University and Spray Redux LLC, the company that is developing the sprayer, along with Jerry Doll, a University of Wisconsin weed scientist.
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