An Alternative To Roundup Ready?

No-tillers continue the debate at

While the price of some generic herbicides seems intriguing, no-tillers had to find out from their peers if the idea has merit or not. No-tillers also weighed in on different types of air seeders and their effectiveness for this month’s issue.

Roundup Or Cheaper Alternative?

I have the opportunity to purchase Glyfos X-Tra for $10 per gallon less than Roundup Ultra. Both products already contain surfactant and are labeled for no-till corn and soybeans. There doesn’t appear to be any difference in the products in terms of rates, rainfast, etc.

However, I do not know anyone who has used the Glyfos X-Tra product. Cheminova markets this herbicide and I don’t know anything about them either.

It would be a big help for our farm if we can cut our herbicide input cost by one-third, but we certainly do not want to give up any yield or weed-control performance.


I have not used Glyfos X-Tra from Cheminova, but I do have experience with glyphosate products from Griffin. The performance is just as good or better than with Roundup Ultra.

I had some problems with crop injury (burning) when I used Roundup Ultra and didn’t notice any problems with the generic products, even when I used 2 1/2 times the labeled rate. I would keep my money and go with the cheaper product.


I live in northeastern Nebraska and the only price I’ve been able to find for these glyphosate herbicides is $27.65 per gallon. Since no one…

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