Items Tagged with 'nitrogen fertilizer'


ARG and crimson clover

New Tool Accounts for Nitrogen from Cover Crops, Soil Organic Matter

While the wide use of cover crops in rotations with corn in the last decade has resulted in reductions in nutrient pollution and sedimentation, the introduction of cover crops has muddled growers' decision-making regarding how much nitrogen fertilizer to apply to meet their cash crop demands. Researchers at Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences say they have developed a new decision-support tool that credits nitrogen mineralization from cover crops and soil organic matter.
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Selecting the Right Nitrogen Source

Using nitrogen fertilizer can result in substantial economic return for farmers, but when nitrogen inputs exceed crop needs, excessive amounts of nitrate can enter either ground or surface water. Selecting the right nitrogen source can help growers produce crops in a more profitable and environmentally-friendly way, says the University of Minnesota.
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NNTC 2015 Speaker Presentation

Identifying A Natural Path To Less Applied Fertilizer - David Brandt - NNTC 2015 Presentation - MP3 Download


More than 35 years ago, David Brandt began the process of trying to increase corn yields by producing more nitrogen when he planted hairy vetch and winter peas as a cover crop. Today, the Carroll, Ohio, no-tiller has realized the improvements he began making to soil health 4 decades ago have led him to reduce his applied fertilizer inputs.


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