Items Tagged with 'Paul Overby'



Refining Nutrient Needs with Smart, Targeted Testing

The 14th class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners shares insights into how soil and sap testing, monitoring moisture and spoon feeding are leading to big reductions in on-farm fertilizer applications.

Recognized for their successful fertilizer application practices, Brooks Garland, of Lee, Fla., Adam Chappell of Cotton Plant, Ark., and Paul Overby of Wolford, N.D., were honored as the 14th class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners at the 2022 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville, Ky.

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3 No-Tillers Recognized for Nutrient Stewardship

The 14th class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners is reaping the rewards from soil and sap testing, thoughtful fertilizer applications and using cover crops.
Recognized for their successful fertilizer application practices, Brooks Garland, of Lee, Fla., Adam Chappell of Cotton Plant, Ark., and Paul Overby of Wolford, N.D. were honored as the 14th class of Responsible Nutrient Management Practitioners at the 2022 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville, Ky.
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soybean seedling

Developing a Resilient No-Till System with Regenerative Ag

North Dakota grower Paul Overby utilizes no-till, crop diversity, livestock grazing and satellite imagery to withstand soil erosion and improve topsoil now and in the future.
WHEN PAUL OVERBY returned home to the family farm in Wolford, N.D., in 1993 after a 12-year career in politics and non-profit fundraising, he was immediately presented with a riddle. The year before, Overby’s father had had his best crop ever, achieving 80-bushel barley and 45-bushel wheat, on average, in a wheat/barley/flax rotation.
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farm landscape

So How Much is No-Till Worth? Calculating the Value of No-Till in Land Rental, Sales

Land appraisals don’t take management practices into account, but they should, says Paul Overby. The no-tiller and student of sustainability practices is on a quest to get the benefits of no-till and cover crops hard-coded into the appraisal system.
As a No-Tiller, do you know how much value — if any — no-till practices bring to your land? In terms of actual dollars, what is the value of increasing soil organic matter, improving water infiltration or installing drain tile? And are these factors top of mind when purchasing or renting land?
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