Articles Tagged with ''runoff''

[Podcast] Building Up Your No-Till Nutrient Management to Protect the Environment and Your Profitability

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing, we're joined by co-director of the University of Wisconsin’s Discovery Farms program Amber Radatz who will share on-farm data from more than 200 site years in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing, we're joined by co-director of the University of Wisconsin’s Discovery Farms program Amber Radatz who will share on-farm data from more than 200 site years in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
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No-Till Notes

Assess Runoff Risk To Keep More Nutrients In No-Tilled Fields

Using split ‘N’ applications, covers and advanced fertilizer products can improve yields and fight negative perceptions about farming.
Let’s be honest, farming creates a risk that fertilizers and manures applied won’t always stay there. And when that happens we’re put in the spotlight, as you’ve seen with recent news reports about algal blooms contaminating popular waterways.
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Better No-Tilling, Fertility Plans Could Help Clean Up Watersheds

No-tillers and consultants discuss what can be done to preserve more phosphorus in the soil and reduce nutrient-loading issues in Lake Erie’s western basin and other waterways.
On Aug. 2, the city of Toledo, Ohio, issued a notice to a half-million residents not to drink or boil the water, after two sample readings for microcystin - a toxin produced by blue-green algae - tested in excess of the recommended "not drink" standard at Toledo's Collin Park Water Treatment Plant.
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