Daniel Davidson

Daniel Davidson

Veteran farm advisor and agronomist Daniel Davidson no-tills near Stanton, Nebraska, and works as a private consultant.


No-Till Notes: Vertical Tillage Has Its Place in No-Till Fields

Whether it’s processing residue, removing surface compaction or seeding covers, vertical tillage can be a valuable tool in your no-till system.
As a no-tiller, any form of tillage is usually a bad word and some no-tillers are adamant that any form of soil disturbance is taboo. However, there are places where some form of ‘tillage’ has its place and can add value to a no-till system. All the worms, microbes and organic matter that no-till fosters won’t always be the solution to every soil problem.
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No-Till Notes: How to Plan Your Summer Fertility Program

Soil test to determine what’s available to your crops and follow with tissue or sap testing to detect possible deficiencies.
Planning your crop’s fertility begins with soil testing, followed by planning your fertilizer application, followed by summer tissue testing. Some nutrients will go on in the fall, others in the spring and the rest in the summer, depending on you and your agronomist’s approach to nutrient management.
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No-Till Notes: Making Sense of Growing Options for Yield Enhancers

The market for seed treatments, foliar nutrients and biologicals is growing at a dizzying pace, but no-tillers can make sense of it by doing some research and asking pointed questions.
Growers want to increase yield, and do it profitability and consistently. When I talk about increasing yields, I look at it from two perspectives: foundation agronomy and technology add-ons or products.
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Fall is the Best Time to Assess No-Till Fields

Harvest time can be demanding, but no-tillers should make time to assess the physical, chemical and biological conditions of their soils.
No-tillers are busy in the fall harvesting their crops and applying fertilizer and may have little time for anything else before winter sets in. However, fall really is a good time to evaluate fields and assess the soil’s physical, chemical and biological conditions.
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No-Till Notes: Tight Margins Require Closer Look at Fall Fertility Programs

Frequent soil sampling, nitrogen stabilizers, spring and split applications and cover crops are important tools to help no-tillers keep more nutrients for the crop.

AS WE MOVE INTO fall harvest, no-tillers need to be thinking about the soil, available nutrient reserves and planning their fall fertility program.

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Managing N, P and K in No-Till Corn, Soybean Rotations

No-tillers face some tough challenges at planting time that require an active, tailored approach to managing precious, costly inputs.
With spring upon us, no-tillers are probably anxious to get to the field. As you mentally prepare to head to the field and make your last-minute fertilizer and seed decisions and equipment adjustments, take time think about your fertilizer program and make sure you have enough to feed the crop.
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No-Till Notes

Nitrogen on Soybeans: To Use or Not to Use

No-tillers wanting to break a yield plateau with soybeans should study the nitrogen cycle and identify environments where additional applications makes sense.
Applying nitrogen on soybeans is a controversial topic, because farmers want to do it, but university experts say it doesn’t work.
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