No-Till Farmer


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May 2021

Volume: 50
Edition: 5

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    ‘Planting Green’ Picks Up Speed

    Instead of terminating a cover crop prior to no-tilling corn, soybeans or another crop, more growers are planting through a still growing green cover crop. Seeding a cash crop into a growing green cover crop that may range in height from just a few inches to over 6 feet tall allows both crops to grow longer in the spring.

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    7 Strategies for Reducing Slug and Vole Problems

    No-tillers can battle these two pests with scouting, sound planting practices, strategic cover crop management, the right field equipment and some help from predators.

    While there are many benefits to long-term no-till and cover cropping, unfortunately, it is also a very stable environment for slugs and voles. 

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    Going From Bull-Headed to Bullish on No-Till

    After years of conventional farming, this Randolph, Wis., grower has transitioned his 2,500-acre operation to no-till, cover crops and planting green. And he’s having a blast.

    Change can be difficult, especially if you’re bull-headed. Just ask Dale Macheel, who says he tends to be stubborn, just like most farmers. But it can also be fun, he says, a mindset he’s embraced while adopting conservation practices on his 2,500-acre cash grain operation in Randolph, Wis.

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    Wide-Row Corn Study in South Dakota Yields Variable Results for No-Tillers

    Sixty-inch corn rows with cover crops didn’t produce the hoped-for yield production, but offered no-tillers a chance to diversify corn management and get covers into the mix.

    No-tillers across the Corn Belt have been experimenting with wider corn rows to diversify their corn management and add cover crop options to their operation, including grazing of covers as an added income and soil health option. 

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    Cover Crops Can Boost Beneficial Insects

    An expert on pest management programs from the University of Nebraska explores how cover crops can be successfully integrated to help control pests in cropping systems.

    Your farm's integrated pest management program (IPM) might include a variety of pest control tactics. Cover crops can be a valuable addition to an IPM as a sustainable, long-term practice, according to Justin McMechan.

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