Items Tagged with 'production'


From the Desk of John Dobberstein

No-Till Could Ease World’s Water Concerns

If a recent study is any indication, getting more crop production from every inch of water is going to become even more important in the near future.The Institution of Chemical Engineers recently released a report describing the amount of hidden water used in food and drink production, estimated at up to 1.8 million liters per person each year — equivalent an Olympic-size swimming pool.
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Unraveling The Mystery Of Cover-Crop Seed Quality

No-tillers must sort through the sales hype and learn more about their seed sources to find economical, effective species and varieties that will accomplish their cover-crop goals.
As more and more no-tillers embrace cover crops, the production of the seed itself has become a rapidly growing industry in which marketing can sometimes outpace performance.
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Farm Expenditures Reach Record High

Farm production expenditures reached a record-high $318.7 billion in 2011, a 10.2 percent increase over 2010, according to the Farm Production Expenditures 2011 summary released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
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New Specialty Crops Offer Bonus No-Till Income

Whether it’s soybeans, corn, sunflowers or canola, no-tillers can grow solutions to meet market demand for healthy and renewable oils, as well as more efficient ethanol production.
Generating more income on no-till acres is a powerful reason for no-tillers to raise specialty crops currently available.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

5 Factors Help No-Tiller Come Out Ahead

Watching weather conditions at critical growing points, and annual soil testing, has helped Doug Goehring succeed at no-till.
Sometimes it's not the hybrid, it’s the farmer or subtle weather conditions that are the reason yields weren’t the best that they could be. Too many times, I see producers abandon a perfectly good hybrid or variety without understanding why it performed the way it did that season.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Stewarding The Birthplace Of No-Till

Sharing and learning are still cornerstones for the Young family, who planted the first commercial no-till field in southern Kentucky 50 years ago.
My father, Harry Young, wasn’t a shy fellow. If he was going to do something, he’d do it out in the open and let the chips fall where they may. The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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