Items Tagged with 'John Deere 1890'



No Stone Unturned in Quest for Healthy Soils

Northwest Ohio no-tiller solves soil health puzzle with plant diversity, cover crops and heavy focus on water quality.

One of the first things you’ll notice when pulling up to Les Seiler’s house is the personalized license plate on his car, with the letters “NO TIL.” Before you even shake the jovial farmer’s hand, it’s clear how enthusiastic he is about conservation ag, specifically soil health.

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To Make Cover Crops Fit, A Little Space Makes a Big Difference

Through improvements to his implement guidance and air seeder setup, Chapin, Ill., farmer John Werries finds the cure for cover crop overgrowth and accuracy missteps.
John Werries, his son Dean, and one employee are no strangers to making adjustments year-to-year to combat the unpredictable conditions of their Chapin, Ill., operation of no-tilled beans and strip-tilled corn.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Farm Success By Staying The Course

Expanding South Dakota family operation uses technology, crop diversity and better equipment to make no-till work in a limited-moisture climate
Ten years ago, when our operation was featured in No-Till Farmer, I told the editors that I would stay with no-tillage regardless of what happened.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Takes Time To Learn How To No-Till Slopes That Exceed 50%

Idaho direct-seeder Russ Zenner spent more than 20 years developing rotations and testing equipment to continuously no-till some of the world’s steepest slopes.
When I'm asked what the primary differences are between no-tilling in the Palouse region of Idaho and Washington versus the Midwest, the discussion starts with our steep slopes.
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