At the time of this article’s publication in the Agronomy eUpdate, the February existing stocks order is the last document related to dicamba registration published on the EPA website.
Corteva's Enversa herbicide received EPA approval in December 2023 and is expected to be available for use on soybeans, cotton, corn, sorghum, peanuts and sugar beets in the 2025 growing season.
The proposed herbicide strategy was released in July 2023 and outlined the EPA’s plan for meeting ESA obligations with respect to herbicide drift, runoff and/or erosion.
Syngenta’s Richard Brain & Dan Perkins of Ag Insight unpack their field spray drift study findings & explain how they came up with a more refined pesticide buffer.
EPA regulations require farmers to follow pesticide labels for the products they apply on their land. Protecting endangered plant and animal species plays a significant role in the decision-making process for these regulations.
After years of research and public comments from the agriculture community, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler declared triazines safe for continued use in controlling resilient weeds, according to the Corn Growers Association.
After the EPA announced it plans to withdraw its approval of Dow’s Enlist Duo herbicide, the company says it expects safety concerns to be resolved soon, Reuters says.
The new corn herbicide from Syngenta controls more than 70 weeds, including Palmer amaranth and marestail, and contains the novel chemistry bicyclopyrone.
As you are likely aware by now, atrazine is being placed under another re-evaluation by the EPA after activists made claims the active ingredient is not safe. This unprecedented move came about 2 years after the EPA approved atrazine under a scheduled re-registration review.
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