Articles Tagged with ''Ag Leader''


Crop Sensors Emerging as Useful, Profitable No-Till Tool

Farmers and manufacturers discuss the payback crop sensors offer, as well as their vulnerabilities and what the future may hold for the technology.
There’s little doubt among farmers that data pouring from a myriad of displays, sensors, monitors and other precision farming equipment is going to help them be more efficient. However, analysis and timing often stand in the way of that goal.
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For Ambitious No-Tillers, There’s No Place Like Home

Efficient no-till practices are helping a multi-family partnership in western Kansas aggressively expand their dryland farming and livestock operation without sacrificing yields or soil health.
Matthew and Nathan Pearce and their brother-in-law, Ben Johnson, didn't just join the family farm — they completely transformed the operation. The partnership is called Homestead Farms, and each family lives near the original homestead just south of Wallace in western Kansas.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Intensive Nutrient Management Boosts Profits

Nebraska no-tiller John Niemeyer says modifying his fertilizer delivery system, improving pH and using compost manure has transformed no-till corn into his most profitable crop
One of my first jobs out of college after I received a degree in business from the University of North Dakota was a fortunate choice. During the several years I worked for a professional consulting agronomist, I had the opportunity to see a lot of different crop-production systems throughout eastern Nebraska, western Iowa and northeastern Kansas.
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