Articles Tagged with ''ACRE''

USDA Clarifies Cover Crop Rules For FSA’s ACRE Program

No-tillers can now seed cover crops and still be eligible for ACRE payments, but more changes are expected with the pending Farm Bill.
In the “Frank Comments” column (Page 6) in the May issue of No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Tillage Guide, we outlined major cover crop concerns with current government payment and crop insurance regulations.
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Why There Aren’t More No-Tilled Acres

No-till has come a long way in the past 35 years, but is way short of the overly optimistic acreage projections made in 1975.
From only 3.3 million acres in 1972 to an estimated 90 million acres today, there’s been plenty of progress as more farmers shift to no-till. Yet, we’re still a long way from the estimated 54% of U.S. row-crop ground U.S. Department of Agriculture economists predicted back in 1975 that would be no-tilled by now.
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Replanting Decisions For Corn And Soybeans

Many fields this spring have thin stands, drowned out low spots, and non-uniform growth that all force the question of whether or not to replant, and while some replant decisions are easy to make, the majority are more complicated than they may first appear.
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