Nathan Brause thinks he should have listened to his forebears. The Sulphur Springs, Ohio, no-tiller inherited a farm that featured a three-crop rotation of corn, soybeans and wheat that had been in no-till when his grandpa farmed the land.
Cover crops can be used for different reasons, such as to provide soil erosion protection, alleviate compaction, control weeds, fix atmospheric nitrogen for the next crop, harvest for hay, and as a grazing resource. The reason for using a cover crop will determine which species or mixture of species you choose, as well as how you manage it.
Source: By Sjoerd Duiker, Soil Management Specialist, Penn State University
Small grain harvest has started and some fields are still open after a challenging spring, which means this is a golden opportunity for cover crop or summer forage seedings.
While no-tillers may have started dabbling in cover crops by planting two species at a time, these early adopters are now taking the natural next step by planting cover crop mixes.
The first time I saw what Dwayne Beck was doing on the irrigation research farm near Redfield, S.D. (before he developed the Dakota Lakes Research Farm), I knew we were on the verge of a new type of crop production in our area.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, young no-tillers James Hepp of Rockwell City, Iowa and Joel Reddick of Bardwell, Ky., share their opinions on what it will take for the next generation of farmers to carry the conservation torch.
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