Items Tagged with 'camelina'


No-Till Passport

English Organic Farmer Reduces Tillage, Adopts Cover Crops

We organic farmers do a bit of cultivation to mineralize some of the goodness we have built up in our leys and to deal with some weeds. This year all of my spring sown crops were established after a green manure, grazed by sheep over the winter and then with three light and shallow passes with a cultivator we managed to get our crops in with much less soil disturbance than usual. You’d be proud of me. The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.

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U. Minn. Offers Tips For Pre-Emergence Herbicide Application

Preemergence herbicides can aid in the control of troublesome weeds such as waterhemp and giant ragweed. They can also result in lower weed densities and a more uniform weed height at the time of postemergence herbicide application, aid in the management of herbicide-resistant weeds, and ultimately help protect crop yield potential and profitability.
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From the Desk of John Dobberstein

It’s Not Just About Today

It would be easy to lower expectations when you’re only getting 12-14 inches of precipitation each year. But that’s not the case for Steve and Becky Camp, who converted to no-till and made big changes in their rotation to keep something growing on their land as much of the growing season as possible.
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Could Energy Crops Be In Your Rotation’s Future?

Switchgrass, miscanthus, camelina and other crops could provide new markets and opportunities for enterprising no-tillers.
Corn and soybeans have been the main crop sources for producing energy fuels, such as ethanol, biodiesel and biomass. But in the quest for the most efficient energy feedstocks, perennial grasses like switchgrass and miscanthus, oilseeds like camelina, and short-rotation woody crops such as hybrid poplars are beginning to emerge as viable energy crops for U.S. farmers.
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