Items Tagged with 'cover cropping'


What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Efficiency, Diversification & Bold Cropping Strategies Put New No-Tillers Ahead

Jacob & Cassandra Kubik of Walker, Iowa, build on early no-till efficiencies & profits with relay cropping, innovative cover cropping practices & sheep.
Starting a farm from scratch using no-till, EQIP and CSP programs proved the best and easiest path to production for my wife, Cassandra, and me.
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Frost Seed Legumes, Grasses to Fix Nitrogen, Improve Pastures

“Frost seeding” is the seeding of legumes and grasses on the soil when it is frozen during late winter and early spring. It's a simple, low-cost approach to improve pastures and to add red clover to overwintering grains. Establishing nitrogen-fixing legumes provides additional advantages when fertilizer prices are high as they allow nitrogen to be fixed from the atmosphere and can replace a portion of costly nitrogen fertilizer.

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Buerkle Farm
What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Covers, Continuous Cropping Advance No-Till Game

Dan Buerkle finds benefits of a continuous cropping system have ramped up soil health and made weed control more economical and effective.
Leaving fields in fallow, and heavily tilling to keep them that way, is a deeply ingrained tradition in the often-parched southeastern corner of Montana, where I farm with my wife of 41 years, Lana.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Family Tradition Of Trying Things Works Well

This Kansas no-tiller has evaluated strip-till and no-till lowered nitrogen rates by more than 50% and developed a prescription precision ag program
I’m the fourth generation to manage McClure Farms in the area of southwestern Kansas that is depicted as the heart of the 1930’s Dust Bowl.
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