Items Tagged with 'Paul Schaffert'


Your No-Till History

Unsolved Mystery: Who Was the National No-Tillage Conference Spy?

A dust-up between no-till suppliers led to legal strong-arming at the 2001 National No-Tillage Conference
While many readers think of Keeton seeding attachments and similar units on the market as seed firmers or seed firming devices, this column will explain the reasoning behind our decision to start calling them by their generic name.The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators

[Podcast] From No-Till to Manufacturing with Paul Schaffert

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by Terrasym, Frank Lessiter talks with Paul Schaffert, founder of Schaffert Manufacturing Company in Indianola, Neb. about his early successes in no-till, how innovation continues, how he transitioned from farming to manufacturing, and more.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer Influencers & Innovators podcast, brought to you by Terrasym, Frank Lessiter talks with Paul Schaffert, founder of Schaffert Manufacturing Company in Indianola, Neb. about his early successes in no-till, how innovation continues, how he transitioned from farming to manufacturing, and more.
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After 32 Years Of No-Tilling, Truths Emerge From His Fields

Paul Schaffert has faced his no-till challenges through the decades, and he’s learned from both the ups and the downs. He offers his advice here.
Having no-tilled since 1972, Paul Schaffert has learned a few things while growing corn, wheat, soybeans, sunflowers, milo and grain sorghum on a 2,000-acre irrigated and dryland farm in Indianola, Neb. The lessons have come even harder recently, because the area, which normally receives 10 to 17 inches of rain each year, has been suffering through a drought for the past several years and irrigation is now restricted to 13 inches per year.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

After Three Decades Of No-Tilling, There's Still More To Learn

Never stop looking to improve your fields, your cropsand your profits, says one of the early adopters of no-tilling.
When I first gave no-till a serious look in 1972, we were lucky to harvest 60 bushels of corn per acre in southwestern Nebraska. I couldn’t have dreamed then that we would be setting ambitious but realistic yield goals of 250-bushel corn and near 100-bushel soybeans and wheat for 2006.
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Sharpen Your No-Till Discs

A successful no-tiller shares how he gets his 750 drill into the ground.
While moderating A Roundtable at last winter's National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, Paul Schaffert, a no-tiller and owner of Schaffert Manufacturing, fielded a question from a no-tiller who was having a difficult time getting his John Deere 750 drill into the ground. The farmer was hoping for some advice, but no one had an answer.
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Frank Comments

Who Was The Conference Spy?

When you turn to pages 12 and 13 in this issue, you'll find an article on the pros and cons of trimming part of the plastic tail off the Keeton seeding attachment to improve your no-till planting efficiency.
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