Justin Landeck of Dawn Equipment introduces the new Underground Ag InRowl cover crop roller, specially designed for rolling covers after planting a cash crop.
Hatton, Mo., no-tiller Luke Linnenbringer talks about the roller attachment he built for his John Deere 7300 planter to flatten cereal rye at planting. Linnenbringer rolls, plants, sprays herbicides and applies fertilizer all in one pass. “I’ve had conventional soybeans that I’ve not gone back to check until harvest. It’s a two-pass system,” he says.
While this new practice is still being evaluated, with proper planter adjustments and fertility Penn State says there are several benefits to planting grain crops into actively growing cover crops.
Charles Martin, Loysville, Pa. no-tiller, shows his custom-made cover crop roller attachment that goes on his planter. The roller is being used on his farm and several area farms and is going into production.
Timing of control and planting in a single pass could limit adoption; hope lies in breeding cover crops that flower in time for traditional planting window.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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