Items Tagged with 'soil organic carbon'



Soil Function Key to Regenerative No-Till

Putting soil health at the center of a no-till operation can take a farm from status quo to truly regenerative with balanced and diversified soil biology, improved aggregate stability, increased water infiltration rates and improved nutrient cycling.

Longtime soil conservationist Barry Fisher says improving soil health requires well-planned, step-by-step actions aimed at specific goals. However, taking those steps can seems daunting, especially if they add complexity to a system that seems to be working well.

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Study: Intensive Nitrogen Stymies Organic Carbon Accumulation

University of Illinois’s natural resources and environmental sciences professor Richard Mulvaney wanted to know why soil organic carbon matter is disappearing from agriculture fields despite years of intensive residue inputs. So he set out to determine whether nitrogen fertilization might change the composition of corn residue, and whether that impacted carbon sequestration as a result.
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[Podcast] Rattan Lal on the Role of Soil in Conservation Agriculture

For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Pivot Bio, we caught up with soil scientist Rattan Lal and talked about how he came to focus on carbon instead of synthetic inputs, the connection between the health of the soil and human vitality, how carbon affects the soil’s ability to hold onto nutrients and water, the 5 components of conservation agriculture, optimizing production instead of maximizing production and much more!
For this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Pivot Bio, we caught up with soil scientist Rattan Lal and talked about how he came to focus on carbon instead of synthetic inputs, the connection between the health of the soil and human vitality, how carbon affects the soil’s ability to hold onto nutrients and water, the 5 components of conservation agriculture, optimizing production instead of maximizing production and much more!
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NNTC 2015 Speaker Presentation

Effects of Cover Crops, No-tillage & Tillage on SOC Sequestration, Storage, Retention & Loss - Kenneth Olson - NNTC 2015 Presentation - MP3 Download


Ken Olson will share results of a 12-year cover crops study in southern Illinois on the effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, storage and retention, as well as corn and soybean yields. The use of cover crops was studied on these previously eroded soils for its maintenance and restoration of SOC, and different tillage systems were set up with and without cover crops.


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