Articles by Jim Leverich

No-Till Notes

No-Tillers Dish Out Their Best Advice

Here’s a look at what Ohio no-tillers say no-till can do for you.
I recently attended Ohio’s annual winter No-Till Conference and picked up several tips from some new and veteran no-till professionals. Held in early December, conference attendance was tremendous with more than 200 participants — a testament to increasing interest in no-till by many producers. Here is a quick look at some of the information picked up by Ohio no-tillers.
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No-Till Notes

When You ‘Measure To Manage,’ You Become More Profitable

Evaluating corn hybrids and soil testing for fertilizer needs can lead to big improvements in your bottom line.
With skyrocketing input prices like seed and fertilizer, it pays to measure your production and more closely manage your inputs. One of my favorite management slogans is, “Measure to manage.” Without measuring your inputs and yields, it’s really hard to manage to the highest level of profit.
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No-Till Notes

No-Till Vs.Strip-Till

Is there a strip-till advantage, or can most no-tillers match strip-till yields with better management?
As more producers move toward no-till systems for conservation compliance and to reduce costs, some have chosen strip-till. Research shows strip-till corn yields have been slightly higher and more consistent than no-till in some areas.
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No-Till Notes

Be Precise With Fall Fertilizer Applications

Soil testing, variable-rate technology and calibration are critical in managing a successful no-till nutrient program.
Considering the large increases in commodity and fertilizer prices, fine-tuning your fertilization program will definitely pay big dividends. Soil testing and yield monitoring are essential in helping you determine your crop’s fertilizer needs.
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No-Till Notes

Making Early Summer Scouting Pay

If late planting leads to your no-till crops canopying 2 or 3 weeks later than normal, early weed control is critical.
Now's a great time to head out to your no-till fields and scout for weeds, insects and other pests. Many of you will be putting on your second pass of herbicides and/or applying a second pass where it turned out that the one-pass weed control system wasn’t adequate.
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