Articles by Jim Leverich

No-Till Notes: Is It Time to Rebuild or Replace Your No-Till Planter?

Looking at the important role played by each piece of this machine will help you decide whether to re-tool your planter or buy a new one.
FOR US NO-TILLERS, planters are perhaps the most important tool on our farm. High yields are attainable when seeds are spaced evenly and planted at the right depth, without sidewall compaction and contact with residue.
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No-Till Notes: Why Fall Weed Control Could Help Your No-Till Operation

Adding fall herbicide applications, when necessary, can help no-tillers get a leg up on perennial and annual weeds and diversify their program

ON MANY NO-TILL farms, perennial weeds are hard to control, as tillage is not an option to take care of escapes from in-season weed control. And in more southern areas with late frosts, annuals may escape and need to be controlled after harvest to ensure they don’t go to seed.

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No-Till Notes: Is Your Corn Header Handling No-Till Residue?

Many new technologies are available today for corn headers, but no-tillers must keep their residue management goals in mind.

For many years we’ve had corn heads designed to accommodate only the row spacing you’ve chosen to plant. And these headers may or may not have done the best job handling the stout corn hybrids we have today, which affects the residue situation no-tillers must deal with the following year.

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No-Till Notes

What You Can Learn from a Post-Planting Scouting Trip

Scouting fields after planting is over can help no-tillers learn what tweaks might be needed for their planting operations or weed management programs.
ONCE CROPS emerge, it’s a good time for early-season scouting to identify pests like cutworms and wireworms, and to evaluate your planter and starter-fertilizer performance.
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No-Till Notes

Find Out Which No-Till Acres Are Making You Money

Using a spreadsheet can help you determine the cost of production on individual fields, ask landlords for rent adjustments and determine what your crop marketing price must be to stay profitable.
Using a spreadsheet can help you determine the cost of production on individual fields, ask landlords for rent adjustments and determine what your crop marketing price must be to stay profitable.
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No-Till Notes

Find Out Which No-Till Acres Are Making You Money

Using a spreadsheet can help you determine the cost of production on individual fields, ask landlords for rent adjustments and determine what your crop marketing price must be to stay profitable.
AS COMMODITY prices are falling, it’s a good time to review your cost-of-production figures. You can do this on a whole-farm basis, but it’s even more beneficial to do it on individual fields or groups of fields.
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No-Till Notes

Scout During Harvest To Improve No-Till Benchmarks

Checking no-tilled fields during and after harvest will provide insights into stands, hybrid performance, yield limitations and equipment issues
When it's harvest time, we often get caught up in a flurry of activity. But it's worth the time for no-tillers - especially after the wet planting season last spring — to see what you can learn by scouting your fields during harvest.
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