Hearing about the thousands of soybean acres and other crops damaged last summer from illegal dicamba use affirmed just how desperate some farmers are to control herbicide-resistant weeds on their farm.
Xtend technology should still be a part of an integrated weed management program that includes good cultural practices and a diversified herbicide program, says Kansas State University Extension.
It's important to recognize that the costs associated with negligent applications of these products will not be limited to the crops damaged from off-target movement, says Iowa State University Extension.
Weed scientists stress that it will be imperative that everyone involved completely understands without confusion XtendiMax's application guidelines regarding sensitive crops.
University of Illinois Extension warns that current expectations of what this technology can accomplish tend to be a bit more optimistic than what the technology will actually be able to deliver.
The Wisconsin Soybean program found that Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans out-yielded Roundup ready 2 Xtend varieties by a significant 1.8 bushels per acre in 2016.
Sprayer contamination is the most common way dicamba has injured soybean, followed by physical drift, volatility and temperature inversion, says University of Tennessee Extension.
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