Articles Tagged with ''adds''


Coated Seed Corn Finding Its Place As No-Tillers Benefit

Those monitoring their investment in the technology say the returns are proving to be worthwhile; more availability could be on the way.
After more than a decade of testing and four full seasons of commercial sales, Intellicoat Early Plant hybrids show increasing acceptance among no-tillers coping with cold, wet spring soils, reports Landec Ag, developer of the polymer seed-coating product.
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Organic No-Tillers Find Suitable Markets For Their Crops

Several successful organic vegetable growers in southeastern states are combining the benefits of cover crops, reduced tillage and smart marketing. Here’s a brief look at two family operations that have been guided by the work of pioneering researchers such as Virginia Tech’s Ron Morse (see accompanying story). Both families are active participants in the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Work Group (SSAWG), a 12-state, non-profit organization.
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No-Till And Organic Techniques Coming Together Out East

Thirty years of research, trial and error and changing attitudes, along with improved equipment, are setting the stage for grower success.
“HELP!” Horticulturist Ron Morse remembers the day nearly 30 years ago when that message, scrawled by a county extension agent on the bottom of a snapshot, arrived at his Virginia Tech University office. The photo showed a mud slide blocking a rural Appalachian farm road. What was left of a cabbage patch planted on a steep sloping field was mired in the mud.
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Is There Hope For Biotech Wheat?

Advocates believe lower production costs and higher yields could come from biotech and would reverse the trend of declining wheat acres.
As plantings of genetically modified (GM) crops continue to climb by millions of acres per year, one crop stands out for its absence from the list. Wheat growers, including no-tillers, are still waiting for the benefits of biotechnology, and the wait is likely to be a long one.
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Open Mind, New Ideas Can Carry No-Tillers To New Levels

Continuous no-tilling, conservation dollars and more efficiency are some of the goals for those willing to reassess and revise their management practices.
“I want you to start thinking out of the box,” says no-tiller Dick Lyons. “We’ve got to continually change. If we are not willing to change, we’re not going to make it,” he says, pointing to the economic, competitive and environmental challenges facing all farmers.
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