Articles Tagged with ''Bt corn''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Is Cornerstone To Smarter Farming

Process sets off a chain of innovations for this Indiana farm family.
I tell my neighbors that I don’t want to farm anymore. I just want to farm smarter. That philosophy was the reason we went with no-till in 1986, and it’s the driving force behind other steps that we’ve taken to make farming more efficient and profitable.
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Field Scouting Declining, Consultants Wary Of Potential Problems

Some no-tillers are checking less often while relying on Roundup Ready and insect-resistant crops, but experts worry about the emergence of new problems.
Many no-tillers scout their fields less intensely than they did before Roundup Ready and insect resistant crops became popular. And although the decrease in scouting may vary from farm to farm, the consultants and growers contacted by No-Till Farmer caution that the trend could bring big problems.
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Shop Talk

Cross-Slot Idea Still Looks Good When No-Tilling

For the first time, the Douglas County, Ill., Soil and Water Conservation District used the cross-slot technology to no-till soybeans in 2002. They have successfully used this New Zealand technology for several years with no-tilled corn.
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Shop Talk

Bt Corn Gets Green Light For Next 7 Years

Following a 2-year study of Bt corn, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in mid-October determined that it poses no risks to people or the environment. As a result, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Bt corn has been approved for an additional 7 years.
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The No-Till Answer Man!

As part of this continuing series, an Indiana farmer tackles your most frequently asked no-tilling questions.
As part of this continuing series, an Indiana farmer tackles your most frequently asked no-tilling questions. Remember that your particular farming circumstances may result in entirely different answers to these particular concerns.
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