Articles Tagged with ''usda''

No-Till Keeping Soil, Nutrients Out Of Great Lakes

A new USDA study shows that farmers using combinations of erosion-control and nutrient-management practices on cultivated cropland are reducing losses of sediment, nitrogen and phosphorous from farm fields and decreasing the movement of these materials to the Great Lakes and their associated waterways.
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USDA Confirms Smaller Corn Crop

The USDA's Sept. 12, 2011, Crop Production report confirmed expectations of a smaller U.S. corn crop than forecast in August, said a University of Illinois agricultural economist.
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No-Till Savings No Longer ‘Chicken Feed’

Due to a tremendous increase in the price of diesel fuel, actual fuel-cost savings for no-tilling have shot up 606% in the past 15 years.
Treat the savings in fuel consumption per acre by switching to less tillage alone and you’ve definitely got a substantial savings.
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No-Till’s Measuring Stick

Cover crops, stacked rotations and soil cover of 60% or more after seeding are among the pillars of quality, continuous no-till, Rolf Derpsch says.

No-till may be practiced on more agricultural acres in the U.S. than any other country in the world. But South American no-till consultant Rolf Derpsch believes growers here shouldn’t be satisfied.

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