Whether they’re veterans or rookies, six strip-tillers across the U.S. are paying close attention to their fertilizer programs to maximize profitable production of corn, soybeans and other crops
Source: By Greg Stewart, corn specialist, Ontario Ministry Of Agriculture, Food And Rural Affairs
Strip-till advocates say deep-banding fertilizer in strips benefits corn, while others say the benefits come from tilling the strip and not fertilizer placement. Ontario researchers studied fall strip-till vs. applying starter fertilizer with a corn planter.
While many strip-tillers would have preferred to build strips and put down fertilizer in the fall, a late harvest prevented much of the work from being completed.
By listening to and learning from other no-tillers, Warren Macemon built a successful no-till farming and purebred Angus operation after a long career teaching others.
The land that Jeff Notstad no-tills might cause a lot of farmers to scratch their heads. It’s 480 acres of rocky, shallow loam soils that aren’t ideal for raising crops.
When you have a spring season like 2008, you can understand why some growers make an effort to apply at least some of their nitrogen in the fall. But just because you get your nitrogen applied before winter flies, that doesn’t mean it will all be there next spring and summer when your corn needs it.
With a new season under way, manufacturers have largely completed their product introductions and No-Till Farmer wraps up its extended look at this year’s new machinery.
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