Jay Fuhrer, retired NRCS soil health specialist & creator of the 5 principles of soil health, says covering bare soils with soil armor sets the stage for additional improvements to soil
While no-till is a pillar of the regen movement, the Big Soil Health Event is definitely a departure from conventional no-till practices. As I was listening to the speakers, these four statements caught my attention, and I wondered how those of you reading would have reacted had you been there.
Some of the soils I helped farm as a child in southwestern North Dakota are probably somewhere in South Dakota now. I grew up in the era of wheat and summer fallow. A lot of the ground around here is very sandy and marginal. Did it ever blow when we were tilling. I remember as a kid getting sent with a disc or a drag to try and make it stop blowing. It seemed so futile, and it was.
NRCS South Dakota soil health specialist Jay Fuhrer visits the no-till operations at Cronin Farms in Potter County, S.D. He discusses the function of a heavy layer of residue as soil armor, the importance of healthy root exudates and he demonstrates water infiltration rates.
During a field visit at Cronin Farms in Gettysburg, S.D., NRCS educator Jay Fuhrer talks about residue that forms the armor to protect soils above ground and builds soil organic matter below ground.
With the combinations and benefits constantly evolving, cover crops are showing more promise than ever to boost soil health and improve the bottom line for no-tillers.
Whether it's boosting soil organic matter, improving water infiltration, reducing compaction or fixing nitrogen, it’s more clear than ever that cover crops are at the center of discussion when it comes to progressive no-tilling.
Whether it’s getting cover-crop mixes seeded properly, or determining the right planting depth, equipment experts and no-tillers themselves offer tips on improving cover-crop seeding with no-till drills.
From airplanes and helicopters to highboy seeders, spreaders and planters, there are plenty of options for seeding cover crops. But many no-tillers prefer to use the tried-and-true no-till drills to seed covers.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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