Addressing the demand for sustainability in agriculture, CIBO Carbon Bridge is partnering with Bushel to incentivize the adoption of regenerative ag practices.
Project Carbonview, conceptualized by Bayer and developed in collaboration with Bushel and Amazon Web Services, is designed to give grain buyers and producers visibility into the carbon impact of production so they can evaluate the impact of different agronomic practices, make sustainability improvements and help their customers make better purchasing decisions.
Headquartered in Fargo, N.D., Bushel is a provider of software technology solutions for growers, grain buyers, ag retailers, protein producers and food companies.
Using a spreadsheet can help you determine the cost of production on individual fields, ask landlords for rent adjustments and determine what your crop marketing price must be to stay profitable.
AS COMMODITY prices are falling, it’s a good time to review your cost-of-production figures. You can do this on a whole-farm basis, but it’s even more beneficial to do it on individual fields or groups of fields.
Source: By Laura Lindsey, Ohio State University Extension
After talking with many farmers throughout Ohio during this years Extension meetings, one common question keeps popping up: What about nitrogen application to soybean? Yes, soybean plants have high nitrogen requirements due to the high protein content of grain. On average, approximately 4 pounds of nitrogen is removed per bushel of grain.
Source: By Phil Kaatz, Michigan State University Extension
Many times the differences in attaining higher net income for soybean producers can be directly tied to the timing of planting. Recent research showed yields averaged approximately 1/3 bushel per acre less for every day planting was delayed.
As summer has begun to heat up across the U.S. this week, it made me think of a really interesting question I heard at the National No-Tillage Conference several months ago.
It seems clear that No-Till Farmer readers are quickly moving away from the old recommendation that you need to apply 1.2 pounds of nitrogen for every expected bushel of corn.
Higher input prices and lower prices for corn and soybeans will likely hurt farm profitability in 2009, but University of Illinois economist Gary Schnitkey forecasts a brighter future for farmers.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
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