While some sacrifices are required, more no-tillers are putting down fertilizer with the planter to reduce field passes, boost nutrient efficiency and improve soil health.
The push to increase productivity and yields in agriculture has convinced an increasing number of no-tillers to explore one-pass planting and fertilizing systems.
Research worldwide shows these systems can boost yields and soil health, and starting the practice in the U.S. isn't as difficult as many no-tillers think.
As farm sizes continue to increase, the size, working width and overall weight of farm equipment continues to grow proportionally. Some of the heaviest farm equipment has axle loads exceeding 20 tons.
In the 17 years that Terry Schneider, of Shirley, Ill., has been no-tilling, he’s tried as many planter systems as there are. Even today, with the latest technology, Schneider says he’s come full circle.
I don't care who you are or where you live, seeding crops into your no-till fields is never a vacation. There’s always things that break down, conditions that are less than favorable or just not enough time in the day.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, 4 Leopold Conservation Award recipients — Russell Hedrick, Richard Lyons, Colleen Kershaw and Wendy Mariko Johnson highlight some of the unique conservation practices on their farms.
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