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Your No-Till History

Latin America Becomes Global Power via No-Till

50 years ago, after a washout storm, a study of worldwide possibilities & a fact-finding trip, two ‘Crazy Germans’ ushered no-till into Latin America where’s it’s practiced on 70% of acres today.
Special to No-Till Farmer, featuring excerpts from The Legacy of Herbert Bartz: the No-Tillage Pioneer, by Wilhan Santin, with contributions from Rafael Silvaro, Marie Luise Carolina Bartz, Johann Bartz, Donald Reicosky, Dirceu Gassen, Jônadan Ma and Heidrun Kronenberg. The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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Brazil Quickly Embraced No-Till & Become a World Ag Power

“Brazil feeds around 1.2 billion people on the planet,” writes Luiz Carlos Bergamaschi, President of ABAPA, “but little is known about how this was possible, and there are those who have no idea about our strategic role for the future of humanity. It was not the work of chance.” The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.

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No-Till’s List of Legends

This roster of influencers has a tremendous legacy on no-till since its modest start in 1962.
As part of the 60th anniversary of no-till’s first commercial acres in 1962, No-Till Farmer updated its No-Till Legends list following the 30th anniversary of the National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville, Ky. This roster of “No-Till Legends” includes outstanding growers, educators and suppliers who have played a key role in the growth of no-till from 0 to 110 million acres in 6 decades.
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What Research & Literature Most Contributed to No-Till’s Adoption?

This first-ever project recognizes the most significant works in no-till research & literature, and the efforts of those who contributed to the practice’s understanding in North America and beyond.

In September 2021, No-Till Farmer commissioned a project to determine the most significant research and publications that assisted in the understanding and adoption of no-till agriculture. Randall Reeder, retired ag engineer from Ohio State Univ., and Don Reicosky, retired USDA soil scientist, collaborated on a detailed process to complete this large and aggressive project in advance of three important no-till milestones in 2022.

The No-Till History series is made possible by Calmer Corn Heads.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Putting Worldly No-Till Knowledge To Work

After 20-plus years of research, consulting and no-till enthusiasm, ‘No-Till Bill’ has purchased a farm and is taking his own advice.
After years of helping countless farmers make a lot of money, I finally decided to try and make a go of it myself. In 2007 I bought 7,000 acres of farmable ground in northeast Morawa, Australia, and am now officially a no-till farmer and consultant.
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