Items Tagged with 'Phillips Rotary Harrow'


What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Is Cornerstone To Smarter Farming

Process sets off a chain of innovations for this Indiana farm family.
I tell my neighbors that I don’t want to farm anymore. I just want to farm smarter. That philosophy was the reason we went with no-till in 1986, and it’s the driving force behind other steps that we’ve taken to make farming more efficient and profitable.
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No-Till Online

Improving Your No-Till Planter

Actively responding to the questions of fellow farmers, no-tillers have been eager to jump into a number of different hot topics.
A simple question about converting a disc to an aeration tool sparked a heated discussion on the No-Till Farmer message board this month. No-tillers gave their thoughts about making this conversion and also the compaction problems that can go along with no-tilling in cold, wet soils.
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He Was Lucky!

This no-tiller got solid benefits from using a Phillips rotary harrow to dry wet no-till soils.
Larry Paltzer knows firsthand how valuable it can be to attend the National No-Tillage Conference.
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And The Winner Is...

By having his ticket drawn at the National No-Tillage Conference, Wisconsin no-tiller Larry Paltzer won use of a Phillips Rotary Harrow for 1 year.
Larry Paltzer no-tills in the Corn Belt. He's plagued with wet soils that stay wet, even with no-till. After going to several roundtables, classrooms and general sessions at the National No-Tillage Conference, he was trying to decide if his operation could afford a Phillips Rotary Harrow.
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Overcoming Residue Concerns With No-Till Corn

No-tillers aren’t the only ones using trial and error. Here’s what one crop consultant and innovator award winner did.
When it comes to terms used to describe no-till farmers, “trial and error” has got to be pretty darn near the top of the list. And as far as no-till crop consultants are concerned, it's no different.
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