Nathan Brause thinks he should have listened to his forebears. The Sulphur Springs, Ohio, no-tiller inherited a farm that featured a three-crop rotation of corn, soybeans and wheat that had been in no-till when his grandpa farmed the land.
Farmers considering cover crop seeding and establishment this fall should remember that some herbicides can persist and potentially influence successful cover crop establishment, says Penn State University Extension.
A combination of Gramoxone and atrazine followed with another application of Gramoxone 10 days later is the only option for terminating ryegrass that escaped burndown, says University of Tennessee Extension.
No-tillers just starting to use annual ryegrass should follow a few simple rules to take advantage of this cover crop’s compaction-busting, nitrogen-scavenging benefits.
With its prolific root system and economical price tag, annual ryegrass is one of the most popular cover crops no-tillers have at their disposal. It’s also gotten a bad rap for being tough to manage, says Dan Towery.
With help from a fabricator, New York strip-tiller Donn Branton converted a RoGator into a dual-purpose machine that seeds covers and dry fertilizer into standing corn and soybeans.
Seeding cover crops into standing corn and soybeans in a colder climate can be a daunting challenge, so Donn Branton came up with a solution on his farm that actually solves two problems in one pass.
A weed scientist shares why effective cover crop termination, choice of weeds a grower is targeting and being mindful of herbicide carryover are crucial for controlling weeds with covers.
When a no-tiller decides to add a cover crop to his farm system, there may be a number of results he’s hoping to achieve, and weed control is likely one of them.
Cover-crop expert Dave Robison is working to generate some hard numbers to quantify the much-touted benefits of individual covers and cover-crop mixes on no-till operations.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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