Items Tagged with '60-inch corn'


What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Getting by with Less is Giving this No-Tiller More to Cheer About

Reducing tillage, slashing nitrogen, cutting seed treatments and opting for untraited corn have savings adding up and profits peaking.
I wanted to no-till. I would search out no-till planters online or in classified ads and just wish. But with only 240 acres, I just couldn’t justify the expense — at least not until a supportive friend stepped in.
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Top No-Till Stories from 2020

The most-viewed content for 2020 on reveals the hunger no-tillers have for more information and insights into cutting-edge agricultural practices and equipment.

As we say goodbye to 2020 and usher in a new year, the editors of No-Till Farmer took the opportunity to look back to see what content was of most interest to our online readers over the past 12 months.

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Capturing Sunlight, Building Carbon with Strip Cropping and Interseeding

A continual search for a more profitable bottom line led this Wisconsin strip-tiller to embrace no-till, interseeded covers and alternative row spacing.
A LONG-TIME strip-tiller, Marty Weiss has been conservation-minded for years. But he’s taken inspiration from the recent widespread focus on soil health and in the past few years tackled several new practices, including no-till, strip cropping, interseeding cover crops in both 30-inch and 60-inch corn, planting green and even seeding covers for regenerative grazing.
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Maximizing Solar Efficiency for Higher Profits, Better Soil Health

Gaston, Ind., no-tiller Jason Mauck captures maximum sunlight and carbon through relay intercropping cash crops and cover crops and integrating manure.
Gaston, Ind., no-tiller Jason Mauck captures maximum sunlight and carbon through relay intercropping cash crops and cover crops and integrating manure.
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What Caught Your Eye in 2018?

These summaries show the most-viewed content for 2018 on the No-Till Farmer website, revealing the hunger no-tillers and strip-tillers have for more information and insights into cutting-edge agricultural practices and equipment.

With the ringing in of the New Year, the editors of No-Till Farmer took the opportunity to look back on 2018 to see what content grabbed the attention of digital readers.

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