At the time of this article’s publication in the Agronomy eUpdate, the February existing stocks order is the last document related to dicamba registration published on the EPA website.
When a pesticide is registered under FIFRA, the Federal “action” must also be in compliance with the ESA. Failure of the USEPA to consult with, and/or failure of the Services to assess, results in non-compliance under Section 7 of the ESA and creates opportunities for litigious intervention, which essentially brings the entire process to a standstill.
The proposed herbicide strategy was released in July 2023 and outlined the EPA’s plan for meeting ESA obligations with respect to herbicide drift, runoff and/or erosion.
Syngenta’s Richard Brain & Dan Perkins of Ag Insight unpack their field spray drift study findings & explain how they came up with a more refined pesticide buffer.
EPA regulations require farmers to follow pesticide labels for the products they apply on their land. Protecting endangered plant and animal species plays a significant role in the decision-making process for these regulations.
If the recommendations included in the EPA's assessment of ecological risk for atrazine are kept, the herbicide would be effectively banned, says the NCGA.
In a scientific meeting convened by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today, scientists for Syngenta presented data that more closely replicate real-world exposure, supporting the safety of the trusted herbicide atrazine.
Pesticides and fertilizers are such key components for successful no-tillage that Merlin Jones wants to be prepared for a worst-case scenario of tighter restrictions by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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