The 2025 National Cover Crop Summit, a virtual event hosted by No-Till Farmer sister publication Cover Crop Strategies, is scheduled for March 18-20 and promises a strong lineup of innovative farmers and experts to help growers utilize covers better.
Mackane Vogel here at the Acres Eco-Ag Conference and Trade Show in Madison, Wis., and for this week’s segment we are going to toss it off to Gary Zimmer to talk a little bit about his cover crop strategies.
At last week’s National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis., I had a chance to catch up with Gary Zimmer, also known as the father of biological farming, who was attending the conference in hopes of learning more about how strip-till can fit into his biological farming practices.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, Smithville, Ga., strip-tiller and cover cropper Alex Harrell shares the main takeaway from his record-breaking 218-bushel soybean yield.
Regenerative agriculture has many different definitions. Practices such as no-till, cover crops, grazing and other soil health improvement strategies are often placed under different umbrellas of conservation agriculture, sustainable agriculture and several other similar titles.
With decades of experience helping farmers regenerate their land in the U.S. and worldwide, Gary Zimmer has become synonymous with being the "father of biological agriculture," having founded and still serving as chief visionary officer of Midwestern BioAg.
Feeding soil life and creating an ideal home for soil “livestock” improves soil structure and health, giving crops the ability to capture and retain more moisture, minerals and sunshine.
As a dairy guy, I realized you have to treat soils like you would treat a cow. In a cow, we talk about digestion and give them feed. In soils, we talk about residues that have to be rotted down. But it’s still a biological system and there’s still minerals involved.
Gary Zimmer, the "father" of biological agriculture explains how phosphorus, calcium, boron and magnesium are key to improving the nutrient density and yields of crops.
Midwestern BioAg Inc., Proteus Environmental Technologies and Grower's Secret Inc. (GSI) announce the completion of a strategic acquisition and investment in the future of Midwestern BioAg Inc.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, 4 Leopold Conservation Award recipients — Russell Hedrick, Richard Lyons, Colleen Kershaw and Wendy Mariko Johnson highlight some of the unique conservation practices on their farms.
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