Articles Tagged with ''Soil Sample''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Nudging Closer To A Never-Till System

Wendte brothers bring differing career experiences together to take on a tough no-till challenge in the flat, black soils of central Illinois.
I was pleased when the Illinois Department of Agriculture reported in late 2006 that no-till acres in the state had, for the first time, exceeded the number of conventionally tilled acres.
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No-Till Online

What Do No-Tillers Want When It Comes To Corn Hybrids And Soybean Varieties?

This and other debates are currently underway at
As you start inching closer to the National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis, Ind., from Jan. 8 to 11, 2003, get a head start on topics you want to hear about by jumping on our Web site’s message board, Farmer’s Forum, at It’s a great place to make some no-tilling contacts with people that you’ll be able to meet up with at the conference.
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Filling In The Cracks With No-Till Fertility

Paul Reed takes a look at soil test concerns, understanding the impact of magnesium on soil and hydraulic conductivity, compaction, nutrient management and no-till corn hybrid response to fertility.
Paul Reed, his three brothers and father have been no-tilling corn since 1982 and soybeans since 1989. They no-till throughout the western side of Iowa's Washington County.
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Let No-Till Soils Tell You What To Do

The chemical, physical and biological components that make up your soil can work for or against you.
When it comes to knowing what’s in your no-tilled ground, soil chemistry has traditionally received the most attention. That’s because it’s considered easiest to change by doing a soil test and applying fertilizer and lime, maintains Mark Flock.
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