Articles Tagged with ''Phil Needham''


The No-Till Target: Efficient Fertilizer Placement

How and where you apply your fertilizer — and in what form — can make a big impact on your no-till yields.
What producer doesn’t want to make the most efficient use of their fertilizer dollars? But more than ever, no-tillers are looking for ways to slash fertilizer costs while maximizing corn, soybean and wheat yields, says Phil Needham.
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Doubling Up

Higher soybean prices may push double-cropping farther north this year.
With soybean prices for fall delivery more than $10 per bushel, some small grain growers may be checking out new double-cropping opportunities.
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Removing No-Till Obstacles

Residue managers should move trash so gauge wheels run level, drop seed consistently and produce uniform, high-yielding stands.
No-tilling corn and soybeans presents many challenges to producers across the country, especially within continuous corn and other high-residue environments.
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A Fertile Place For No-Till Tips

More than 850 no-tillers and industry experts gathered in Indianapolis to share the latest techniques for better fertility, improved soil biology, cover cropping management and more.
Subzero temperatures greeted attendees at the 17th annual National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis Jan. 14 to 17, making everyone glad for a reason to leave the chores behind, stay indoors and learn
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No-Till Or Not — Compacted Soils Compact Profitability

These simple tips can help no-tillers identify, prevent and remedy soil compaction before it makes a dent in their yields.
As farm equipment gets larger and heavier, yield loss and profit reduction caused by soil compaction is becoming more frequent. Fortunately, growers adopting no-till systems reduce the number of passes across each field and the overall risk of compaction.
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Focus On The Details With High-Yielding No-Till Wheat

Improving stand uniformity, fertility levels and seed placement often require little expense but can bring increased no-till profits.
While corn and soybeans received the lion’s share of the press this year as prices moved sharply higher, wheat producers have also been enjoying healthy prices. It’s also spurring more interest in no-till winter wheat, which many soil experts say makes the ideal rotational crop with corn and soybeans.
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No-Till Blamed For Home Flooding

The key is to properly manage no-till crop residue to avoid complaints from neighbors.
When the creek behind a number of homes located along a subdivision road in Springfield, Ohio, overran its banks earlier this summer, corn stalks clogged drainage tiles and culverts.
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No-Till Did Better With Floods

While crop losses were serious, no-till tended to hold valuable topsoil in place during the recent floods.
While no-tillers in many area of the country didn’t avoid having to deal with early summer flooded fields, the results generally weren’t as bad as for neighbors using more extensive tillage. Even with sizeable crop losses, soil losses weren’t as significant for no-tillers.
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