Articles Tagged with ''Equipment''


11 Things He’s Learned About Strip-Till

20 years after inventing the Corn Belt’s version of the strip-till rig, Richard Follmer shares a few of the practice’s advantages and must-do tips and techniques.
If you haven't heard of Richard Follmer, just know that you've probably used a version of his invention if you've used a strip-till unit recently. The owner of Progressive Farm Products in Hudson, Ill., invented the midmount, dual-placement strip-till toolbar that is being used by thousands of Corn Belt farmers.
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To Minimize Soil Disturbance, Get Rid Of The Shake

Anhydrous application can be accomplished without tearing up no-till fields.
According to Paul Jasa, Extension agricultural engineer at the University of Nebraska, no-tillers can minimize soil disturbance with existing application equipment. The key is setting the machine correctly and having the right coulters and shanks in place to do the job.
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Taking Control Of Your Traffic

Tramlines are an inexpensive way to control traffic patterns, while controlled traffic has greater long-term benefits for no-tillers.
Research from around the world clearly documents that yield losses occur as a result of equipment passes through the field. Yield reductions occur from either direct damage to the standing crop or from the compacting of the soil, or both.
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Shop Talk

Soaring Material Costs Causing Equipment Price Hikes

The rising costs of materials and components, manufacturers say, are forcing them to increase the pricing of their equipment, which may force machinery dealers to increase the prices of farm equipment to growers, Ag Equipment Intelligence (AEI) reports.
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Frank Comments

Should You No-Till Sod Ground?

If high grain prices have you thinking about shifting Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pasture or hay ground back into more lucrative crop production, don’t think you have to revert to tillage to make the transition.
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Residue Management Drives Corn Head Developments

The trend to continuous corn, twin-row corn and Bt hybrids is shifting the task of managing increased residue to the corn head.
It used to be that the primary task of a corn head was to harvest corn: separate the ear from the stalk with as little grain loss as possible, while collecting as little trash as possible, says Marion Calmer, a no-till farmer with Calmer Corn Heads in Alpha, Ill. But as growers look to better integrate field operations, the corn head is playing an increasingly important role in managing crop residue as well.
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Museum Preserves Area's Agricultural History

Long-time no-tiller collects equipment, artifacts to tell the story of the region.
Though he's passionate about the future of agricultural production, Luther Welch also wants producers to remember how farming has evolved over the years. That’s why he’s worked to establish the Northern Neck Farm Museum in Heathsville, Va.
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