Articles Tagged with ''tillage''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Strip-Till Handles Soil Challenges

But this grower says you won’t reap the full soil-building benefits of no-till or strip-till for 5 years.
When we decided that we wanted to no-till corn back in 1994, we knew we would face a tough challenge from our cold, wet spring soils. So, my brother Steve and I (with the support of our Dad, Dave) decided to try fall strip-tilling.
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Is Tillage OK Once Every 10 Years?

There are better ways than moldboard plowing to reduce potential phosphorus runoff in no-tilled fields, experts say.
Is there a benefit to moldboard plowing a no-till field once every 10 years? A recent article, “Changing Tillage, Changing Nutrient Management,” in the Spring 2008 issue of Plant Nutrition Today suggested that continuous no-till can lead to accumulation of phosphorus (P) at the soil surface, causing higher P concentrations in runoff.
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Frank Comments

Should You No-Till Sod Ground?

If high grain prices have you thinking about shifting Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pasture or hay ground back into more lucrative crop production, don’t think you have to revert to tillage to make the transition.
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Frank Comments

More Continuous Corn Coming

While rising commodity prices may have led to recent changes in this spring’s cropping plans, a No-Till Farmer survey of growers last fall supported a significant increase in continuous corn acres this year.
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Cover Crops, Freeze-Thaw Cycle Favored For Undoing Compaction

An online discussion finds that most no-tillers prefer not to rip their fields and would rather rely on more natural methods to restore the structure of their valuable soils.
No-tillers forced to work in wet fields this fall after heavy rains might want to know that most experienced no-tillers favor the freeze-thaw cycle and cover crops rather than tillage to break up compacted soil.
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Handle Ruts, Compaction Wisely After Summer, Fall Downpours

Even established no-till fields could be damaged by traffic following the heavy rains that suddenly hit much of the Midwest, but ruts must be dealt with.
In many areas in the middle of the country, the dry summer suddenly turned extremely wet with widespread flooding, and even no-till fields were saturated and vulnerable to runoff problems.
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