The Fendt Momentum Planter from AGCO is the industry’s most agronomically advanced planter, designed to consistently place every seed at optimum depth and spacing for uniform emergence. The Planter’s exclusive SmartFrame technology includes a three-section vertical contouring toolbar with 68 inches of vertical row-unit travel to follow the contour of any field. Sensors on each row unit adjust the toolbar to level the parallel arms ensuring row units properly engage with the soil for accurate, consistent seeding depth. The Planter’s in-line tandem wheels and wide, VF (very high flexion) tires, are positioned to run in the same track as tractor tires and forward of the row units, which eliminates pinch rows and helps minimize compaction.

The optional Load Logic weight management system with automated tire inflation offers two modes to concentrate compaction in a controlled traffic pattern or spread the planter weight across the machine. Both adjust tire inflation to minimize compaction as planter weight changes during planting. Momentum Planters are available in eight configurations, each with a 1,000-gallon liquid fertilizer tank.

The Planters are backed by the Fendt Gold Star Customer Care Plan, with warranty coverage and one complete annual inspection.

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