Two new durum varieties and one new hard red spring wheat variety from the North Dakolta State University (NDSU) breeding program offer promising traits for both producers and customers. ND Riveland and ND Grano are the two 2017 releases from Dr. Elias Elias, NDSU durum breeder. Both varieties are the first releases genetically bred to limit cadmium uptake. Europe is the primary buyer of U.S. durum, and in recent years there has been discussion of lowering the maximum level of cadmium allowed on durum imports, and U.S. producers must be prepared to meet a possible lower threshold. Cadmium levels in harvested durum are influenced by local soil conditions and growing season environment, and also vary by variety. The development of these two lines with the genetic capacity to limit cadmium uptake is significant for durum producers in North Dakota and Montana. An added plus is the fact that both varieties offer high yield potential, good end-use quality and should be competitive with current varieties for the producer prized traits.

ND VitPro is the 2017 hard red spring wheat release from Dr. Andrew Green, NDSU wheat breeder. As the name implies, it's unique advantage over many current commercially released varieties is the outstanding kernel and milling traits it possesses, especially for vitreous kernel levels and high protein content. In addition, it is similar to Glenn for test weight and Fusarium resistance. Overall it has a good disease package and improved straw strength over other recent NDSU released varieties, a factor that producers have been looking for. It has shown strong yield potential in statewide trials, although ranks lower than other elite yielding lines currently available.