SIDEDRESS SOLUTION. The 2510H nutrient applicator from John Deere has been designed to allow no-tillers to apply anhydrous up to 10 mph and cover up to 40 acres in an hour with minimal soil disturbance.

Latest No-Till Tools Draw Attention At Farm Progress Show

John Deere nutrient applicator, Dawn GFX row cleaners among highlights

No-tillers descended upon central Iowa at the end of August to see the latest equipment and production tools during the annual Farm Progress Show. Here’s just a glimpse at some of the new products or technologies seen and talked about during the 3-day event.

Nutrient Applicator

John Deere is launching the 2510H nutrient applicator with a single-disc opener design. Mike Pellett, account manager for John Deere, says the applicator allows a no-tiller to apply anhydrous up to 10 mph and cover up to 40 acres in an hour.

“No-tillers don’t want to disturb the soil and this machine really allows them to access anhydrous,” Pellett says. “It’s really tailored toward the sidedress market. Growers can realize more than a $30 savings per acre with post-applied anhydrous vs. UAN or 32% liquid. We’re really excited about the no-till market with this machine.”

Pellett says a 22-inch blade is set on a 4-degree angle to create the trench for the fertilizer boot to tuck into. Operating depth is controlled on the opener with a 3-inch-wide gauge wheel and maintained with active hydraulic downforce.

Anhydrous is sealed with two 12-inch cast wheels with adjustable down pressure. A notched coulter is attached to the front closing wheel for added penetration and soil sealing.

Both cast wheels are attached to a middle pivot point to follow the ground contour and maintain constant contact with the soil.

GFX Row Cleaners

Demand has been strong for the Dawn GFX floating row cleaner units launched in the past…

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Bruggink darrell

Darrell Bruggink

Former Executive Editor/Publisher

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