Fungicide Tapped By No-Tillers As Best Product For 2008

No-Till Farmer readers identify the cream of the no-till-product crop.

Trial and error is part of any innovative no-till operation, but with some insight from No-Till Farmer readers, maybe some error can be taken out of the trial. We asked our readers to cast their vote for the products that helped bring them success in the field in 2008. From equipment to inputs, readers identified their top products that worked as hard in the field as they do themselves.

Product nominations were accepted last summer from both manufacturers and no-tillers in 11 product categories. Then no-tillers were asked to select up to one product in each category as the best of that group. The product that received the most votes overall — Headline fungicide — was named the best no-till product for 2008.

Winners were recognized and announced in January during the 17th annual National No-Tillage Conference in Indianapolis, Ind.

2008 No Till Product of the Year/Fungicide

Leading the pack for 2008 was Headline fungicide. A fungicide category winner for the last 2 years, Headline has continued to grow in popularity with No-Till Farmer readers.

This BASF product is effective in protecting against some of the most important diseases in corn and soybeans, including Asian soybean rust and northern and southern corn leaf blight. Besides corn and soybeans, Headline is registered for control of more than 50 diseases on more than 90 crops.

Effectively controlling fungal diseases means healthier leaves and stalks that produce more energy and transport water and nutrients more efficiently for superior plant health and better grain…

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