Largest number of soybean advancements in a single year by Pioneer
A new series of Pioneer brand soybean products, developed through the innovative DuPont Pioneer Accelerated Yield Technology (AYT) process, will bring soybean growers across North America a broad range of high yielding varieties. The new line of soybean products — named the T Series — includes 39 new products and will be introduced in this year.
Signaling an exciting new era in soybean production, the T Series supports soybean growers committed to seeking the right product for the right acre on their soybean fields. Available in seven maturity groups, T Series products represent the largest number of soybean varieties advanced in a single year by Pioneer. The new T Series varieties succeed the popular Pioneer Y Series soybeans introduced several years ago.
“The next generation T Series soybean products provides growers a total package that helps them gain the most from every acre,” says Don Schafer, DuPont Pioneer senior marketing manager – soybeans. “A step change from earlier offerings, the T Series is a direct result of the AYT system that allows Pioneer soybean breeders to maximize yield potential, agronomic traits and resistance to yield-robbing pests.”
Employing environment-specific markers to help optimize yields by geography, the AYT process pinpoints native trait genes for increased defensive trait protection and improved pest resistance packages tailored for specific geographies. AYT employs novel trait integration through a proprietary matrix of gene mapping, molecular breeding technologies and intense local field testing. The system is a key part of a comprehensive plan to accelerate yield gain and broaden resistance to key diseases and insects.
Among the new class of T Series soybeans, 34 varieties will carry the Roundup Ready gene. There are two new Plenish high oleic varieties, five new products with the LibertyLink gene and two new varieties with the Roundup Ready/STSTM stack. Also, 32 products are soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant and 29 carry a major Phytophthora-resistant gene. All T Series products will be available with proven, performance-boosting Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment products.
To distinguish the new T Series varieties, Pioneer initiated a new soybean product numbering system similar to the current nomenclature used for Pioneer brand corn products. The new system will use key identifiers, enabling growers to easily determine maturity and technologies. T Series soybean varieties will be denoted with the letter T in the middle of the product number.
For more information about T Series soybean products from Pioneer, see your sales professional or go to